Stock Trading 101 Course
Stock Trading 101 Course
$2500 fixed price no Negotiation no discount
I was thinking of naming it the stock trading money making course or how to make thousands in minutes course but then I thought, not only does that sound really cringe and fake and like i’m full of S*** but actually I don’t need to name them colourful names. It is what it is, I’m teaching you how to stock trade plain and simple, you probably found me by my social media accounts where I documented my stock trading journey from my loses and my many winners so you can go on that and see my results as they can speak for themself.
Stock trading as a form of generating income is great its fun i love money and making money, i have been able to buy loads of fancy toys and give loads back to charity from having disposable income from it. It is fun when you hit a great winning trade and see the numbers with three 000’s at the end pop up in your profits column, hell any form of profit is fun looking at.
I must address this and say this again, it’s not for everyone, only the dedicated will make money, when i say dedicated if you think by doing my course you can start making money instantly well for some of you yes you can but you need to make effort and put the work in, its not as easy as it looks or how i make it out to be. Yes you may see the profits I post up and think wow thats so easy, and in some crazy world yes it is that easy, but there is work i’ve put in, work you don’t see.
Why am I charging $2500 to teach you? Simple… Why not?
If you want to go and do it yourself, I wish you all the luck, however I will guarantee you this, be prepared to lose loads and loads of money. The reason i’m choosing to charge, is not only for my time away from trading myself, but the money i have personally lost from gaining valuable experiences, experiences i will be sharing with you so that you DON’T HAVE TO LOSE MONEY, to me this is valuable and this is the cost you pay to learning these valuable assets and strategies I have developed over the course of my stock trading journey. $2500 is a realistic figure you can earn every week, sometimes like me daily on my good days.
Why teach anyone if your making money from trading?
I was actually doing that, making great profits, however I was getting a lot of people asking for my help and after coaching a few people in trading and seeing their reactions to winning trades and making profits, I genuinely enjoyed that and wanted more of it. So when I had loads more people asking me to train them, I jumped at the chance, but obviously my time is precious, actually my time is money when i’m training you i’m not making money. But I’m looking at the bigger picture and I see myself bigger than just trading making loads of money I actually want to see and help others do the same, this is my vision of my self and my goal.
Now what will you get from the course?
I will teach you everything you need to know from A-Z so that you can get started right away making money and making trades. I will make this as un complex as possible, so that even my own mom can understand it and do it. I hate complex things, if something is too complicated it gets boring and i don’t enjoy learning. I will make the course as fun so that learning to you won’t be learning it will be a new hobby, a new hobby you can use should you wish to make money and profits from regularly.
I could go on in detail but let me just summarise the things you will get from the course:
1.Setting you up your tool you will need to do your trades, I use this myself, its profesional its the number one in the market and its the best thing you will use with many features that will help you trading. Will give you extensive trading on your platform showing you how to trade.
2. What is Stock trading
3. Stock trading do’s and don’ts
4. Strategies to use to gain profits
5. Mindset and your controlling your emotions
6. Stocks right now to look at and are ready to move
After the first session you will leave with all the above and having picked your stocks you will focus on and we will meet the week after with the class to see how your trades went and what profits you made, this will be a feedback session for you to show you either how well your doing, or what you need to work on more. This is important, i’m not just teaching you and leaving you do your thing, I want and need you to be successful this is good for me as the more successful traders i have the better for me as a coach, thats why I need only dedicated positive individuals who want to do the course.
Another Key thing which I think is amazing and I wish I had this when i first started, is each student of mine, I will add on my daily watch lists group and you will get a whats app msg in real time when a stock is on the move to buy. BASICALLY I TELL YOU WHEN A STOCK IS GOOD TO TRADE TO MAKE PROFITS. I do all the hard work for you in baby talk.